Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Why is cow milk preferred over Buffalo milk by most fitness freaks?

Our grandmothers have been giving us various ‘Dadiji Ke Nuskhe’ since ages, most of which stick to the benefits of cow milk over buffalo milk and cow ghee over buffalo ghee.

Benefits of Cow Milk Over Buffalo Milk

  • Less Fattening: Cow milk tends to have a higher water content as compared to buffalo milk. This is because about 87 percent of cow milk is water. Due to this, it tends to be less fattening and also it induces less sleep than buffalo milk does. It is also proven to reduce obesity in children because it is low in cholesterol and calories. Statistics say that 100ml of cow’s milk contains 70Kcals whereas 100ml of buffalo’s milk contains 100Kacls.
  • Nutritious: Cow's milk is rich in a wide variety of minerals like Calcium, Vitamin D and Proteins. It is beneficial for healthy bones and teeth. Cow's milk also ensures protection from thyroid diseases and cardiovascular health.
  • For more info go through our  :

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