Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How to wash winter clothes at home dry rather than get them cleaned from the market?

Although, you can easily wash winter clothes at home if you know the right method because if handled by an amateur, things may go wrong and you end up damaging your favorite woolens.

What to Buy?

Nowadays, I see a number of mild liquid detergents Ezee, Safewash, etc. placed on the shelves of a super market close to my house. A few drops of such liquids are enough to get the job done.

Steps To Follow

  • Fill a half bucket with fresh running water. Do not fill it with warm water as it may lead to loosening of the fabric threads and even fading of the cloth's color.
  • Add Ezee or Safe wash or Genteel according to the number of clothes you are putting in. For half a bucket water, one lid of the bottle should be enough.
  • Soak the dirty winter clothes in that detergent mixture for 30 minutes.
For more info go through our  :

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