Tuesday, January 1, 2019

What is Angular 6 Components?

Angular 6 Components : 

Major part of the development with Angular 6 is done in the components. Components are basically classes that interact with the .html file of the component, which gets displayed on the browser. We have seen the file structure in one of our previous chapters. The file structure has the app component and it consists of the following files −
  • app.component.css
  • app.component.html
  • app.component.spec.ts
  • app.component.ts
  • app.module.ts
The above files were created by default when we created new project using the angular-cli command.
If you open up the app.module.ts file, it has some libraries which are imported and also a declarative which is assigned the appcomponent as follows − https://www.tutorialspoint.com/index.htm

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