Thursday, December 6, 2018

What is Microprocessor 8085 Instruction Sets

Instruction sets are instruction codes to perform some task. It is classified into five categories.
S.No.Instruction & Description
1Control Instructions
Following is the table showing the list of Control instructions with their meanings.
2Logical Instructions
Following is the table showing the list of Logical instructions with their meanings.
3Branching Instructions
Following is the table showing the list of Branching instructions with their meanings.
4Arithmetic Instructions
Following is the table showing the list of Arithmetic instructions with their meanings.
5Data Transfer Instructions
Following is the table showing the list of Data-transfer instructions with their meanings.

8085 – Demo Programs

Now, let us take a look at some program demonstrations using the above instructions −

Adding Two 8-bit Numbers

Write a program to add data at 3005H & 3006H memory location and store the result at 3007H memory location.
(3005H) = 14H 
   (3006H) = 89H
Result −
14H + 89H = 9DH
The program code can be written like this − see more :
LXI H 3005H   : "HL points 3005H" 
MOV A, M      : "Getting first operand" 
INX H         : "HL points 3006H" 
ADD M         : "Add second operand" 
INX H         : "HL points 3007H" 
MOV M, A      : "Store result at 3007H" 
HLT           : "Exit program" 

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