Sunday, March 3, 2019

Top 7 Incredible Educational Technology Trends 2019 Would Witness

Educational technology is donning a new avatar with the expanse of technological enhancements. While it has always remained the conglomerate of best possible options, 2019 will show you its best prowess. Ranging from K-12 to the learning platforms that provide sharp and crisp content to enhance your IT and technical skills, this year has something big in its bag for all the learning aspirants out there. This post will delve into the top 7 trends that you would witness in educational technology this year.

1. Personalized Learning

In 2019, it is all about personalization. Be it online shopping or online education – the more the personalization, the better the user experience. And when it comes to learning, what better feature can a learner expect to have fun and engaging learning than personalization?

The cherry on top? Personalized learning always caters the needs of various learners who have limitations in attending school. With such personalized learning tools, such learners never feel isolated and can boom up with confidence just like any other normal student.

Thinking where you could see such amazing personalized features?? Check Tutorix learning app – the one and the only resource that offers a fun and engaging way of learning to young inquisitive minds.

2. Internet of Things

When the whole world is moving towards IoT, why not we witness this in educational technology too? With IoT –teachers can do much more. Students can get much more.

If an educational technology can track the number of hours a student spends on learning, identify where he is lagging and give suggestions to the teacher to improve his learning abilities, imagine how cool that would be! 2019 is gearing up for this revolution and Tutorix is the best proof.

3. Bite-Sized Learning

This is yet another concept that is designed to make use of the cognitive and comprehension skills of students to their fullest. Traditional methods of teaching approach always had a complaint with a lesser attention span of students. Students were forced to increase their attention span, by hook or crook.

Modern educational technology is thinking the way around – why not design the content in a crisp byte size that works well with the attention span of the student? And wait, let us add that there would absolutely be no compromise on quality and learning needs. At TutorialsPoint, the aim is only one – Simply Easy Learning. This approach reduces the stress on students and makes them enjoy their learning.

4. Formative Assessments

What’s the point in just shooting a few multiple choices or fill in the blanks at the end of the learning session? Doesn’t it sound dreary and routine? You will see, in 2019, all interactive, personalized, and cognitive level based formative assignments that will steal the hearts of students just to make them more engaged into learning! And the result? Better outcomes – both in learning and confidence!

5. Online Education

With the world becoming more and more mobile, learning is just going to be much simpler than ever. As a passionate learner, in 2019, you always will have more and more options to enhance your skills without moving an inch from your comfy zone. All you will need is a laptop, smartphone or a tablet and a nice warm place to enjoy your session of learning.

K-12, IT, business management, personality development, technical tutorials, preparation for top-notch

government exams and current affairs made easy, skills to climb your career ladder– whatever is your learning need, online learning is here to help you, in an effective way than ever!

6. Augmented Reality

The fever of this trend is slowly catching up. With augmented reality, a student can enjoy a wide range of experiences and expeditions, which would just make their learning more visual.

Remember the days when teachers used to draw, or use sheets and projectors to explain the constructions and concepts? Though those are definitely lovely memories for all of us, students of this generation are going to see, learn and grasp such concepts, right in front of their eyes. What a fantastic trend this is!

7. Collaborative Platforms

When we talk about online education or an app based learning, if you are visualizing a series of PDFs or PPTs or bland videos, you would be sadly mistaken! 2019 will take the digital learning experience onto the next level – collaboratively! Yes – the collaboration of students, teachers, parents, mentors – all under one roof.

So, are you ready to grab the benefit of these trends? Stay braced!

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